Friday, June 29, 2018

New machine

New machine

Id mentioned before that I got a new machine. The old Dell laptop did a good job for a long time, but eventually it got a little tired. This past summer it was hotter than usual and it really struggled with the heat. Even with a cooling pad. For a long while I couldnt even turn on a game without it overheating. When I really wanted to game I had to resort to an ice pack on the keyboard. I double bagged it..but still. It was time to replace it. So in early October I ordered up the parts and put it together.

The new machine Ill be using to check out all these great Korean games contains:

  • Samsung Syncmaster 2030 @ 1600x900
  • Intel i5 760 @2.8Ghz
  • Gigabyte Geforce GTX460 1GB
  • 4 GB DDR3 1600Mhz Ripjaw RAM
  • 2 x 1 TB Seagate HDs
  • DVD R/W
  • 750W power supply
  • A handy little card reader
  • and a pair of Britz desktop speakers, but I mostly use headphones.

All of this is wrapped up in a nice 4 fan case. It has 2 big fans on the top of the case to suck out more hot air. Their part of a top unit that also has 2 extra USB ports. They plug into the back panel to give you better access. If I need to I can also mount an optional 2 fans on the side panel, but so far it is running nice and cool.

So far its done a fantastic job and given me good framerates on every game Ive played completely maxed out. Im quite happy with it, and Ill probably use this for the next couple years or so barring any major catastrophes.

visit link download

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