Wednesday, July 4, 2018

KIIP 4급 6과 문화 차이 Cultural differences Khác biệt văn hóa

KIIP 4급 6과 문화 차이 Cultural differences Khác biệt văn hóa

KIIP 4? 6?: ?? ??= Cultural differences/ Kh�c bi?t v?n h�a

1.  ?? ?? ?? / Culture related vocabulary

? ??? ??? = to give with two hands / ??a b?ng hai tay
? ??? ?? = to receive with two hands / nh?n b?ng hai tay

??? ??? ?? ??? = to turn your head away from elders when drinking alcohol / quay ??u sang m?t b�n u?ng r??u khi ng?i v?i ng??i tr�n.

??? ?? ???? = to bend your back when greeting / c�i l?ng ch�o

???? ???? = to use formal speech / s? d?ng k�nh ng?

??? ?? ?? = to kneel down and sit / ng?i qu? g?i

????? ?? ?? = to sit with cross-legs / ng?i khoanh ch�n

??? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? = to wait for the elders to eat first / ch? cho ng??i l?n d�ng ??a tr??c

??? ???? ?? ?? = to put bowls on the table before eating/ ??t b�t l�n b�n khi ?n

???? = to yield, to give up / nh??ng (gh?, ???ng,..)

??? ????? ??? ???? = to yield a seat on the the bus or subway / nh??ng ch? tr�n t�u ?i?n ng?m hay xe bus

?? ??? ??? ??? ?? = to not smoke in front of the elders / kh�ng h�t thu?c l� tr??c m?t ng??i l?n

2. ?? ?? ?? ?? / Culture adaptation related vocabulary

??? = to be unfamiliar with / l? l?m, kh�ng quen

???? ?? = to have a hard time / g?p kh� kh?n

??? ?? = to make a mistake / l�m nh?m, l�m sai

??? ? ?? = to not adapt / kh�ng th? th�ch ?ng

??? ?? = to be excused / th�nh th?t l?

???? = to misunderstand / hi?u l?m

???? = to mistake / nh?m l?n, hi?u l?m

???? = to be familiar with / quen, th�ng th?o

??? ? ?? = to not make a mistake / kh�ng l�m nh?m  

???? = to adjust, adapt  / th�ch ?ng

??? ?? = / to become a habit / th�nh th�i quen

3.?? / Grammar 

3.1 [??.???](?)? ??: ?? ???? ??? ??? ????? ??? ? ? ??? ? ??.

- Use to emphasize when a situation becomes better or worser = the more A/V, the more A/V . The grammar often comes with ... (?)?...(?)? ??

- D�ng ?? nh?n m?nh m?t s? vi?c hay tr?ng tr�i tr? l�n t?t h?n hay t? h?n = c�ng ... , c�ng� . C?u tr�c n�y th??ng ?i theo v?i ... (?)?...(?)? ??

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