Sunday, July 1, 2018

Kit Harington talks Game of Thrones

Kit Harington talks Game of Thrones

In a new interview over at the website, Kit Harington talks about his role in War Horse and his career in general. He touches briefly on Game of Thrones, here is what he had to say:

My next project is a TV programme. It�s a new HBO series. They do shows like Band of Brothers and The Sopranos. The show I�m in is a mythical fantasy based on the books by G R Martin. In this one I have a pet wolf! I�ve never done TV before so it�s a whole new area for me. We�re filming in Ireland but will be released in America first then it comes over to the UK.

I�ve always seen myself as a theatre actor but if I get to do TV and film it�s a bonus.

Winter Is Coming: Interesting that he considers himself primarily a stage actor and that he looks at TV as a bonus. If this series becomes as popular as we all hope, he has the chance to become a huge star. Will be interesting to see if getting that kind of exposure changes his stance at all. I also thought the part where he talked about what kind of books he liked particularly interesting. He mentions that his taste is "quite dark" and is not "particularly heart warming." Wonder if hes read A Song of Ice & Fire yet?

UPDATE: Sean from has let us know that they will be conducting another interview with Harington once he leaves the show and will ask him more about Thrones then. If you have any questions you would like him to ask of Kit, you can email him at

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